September 2, 2008

New Statesman investigates...

The UK’s New Statesman asked its readers to vote on the subject for the periodical’s next investigation. It's been called "an experiment with merit". Do you think this is a good way to get readers involved in the journalism process? Would this fly in Arizona?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Anything you can do to engage your readers is good. Even if it's only a few to start. The key is promote it, promote it, promote it. The more advertisers see how WE promote our products/services the more they understand how and why they need to promote their products/services.

The by product of this approach is the "water cooler" test. Imagine how many people are talking about "I helped name that story in the newspaper".

After awhile, other people want to start naming articles, choosing photos and ads and being a part of the process.

A big key to me would be tying in this "voting" system to subscribers only. Then more and more people are willing to become subscribers.